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National River Day

The purpose of this blog is for posting comments, photos, etc. concerning the weekly celebration of National River Day (or Monday night bag-out). Comments are welcome!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

River Day 05/02/2011

Everyone was back in town this week and able to make it down to the river. Things have really "greened" up over the last week. Between the strange wind storm from last week and this week's River Day, the river had risen to flood stage and then receded again. Ron has also cut down the offending tree that the limb fell from last week (the one that damaged the camper).

The fish were still biting good this week and between the three of us that were fishing (Jay, Tim and I) we must have caught 50-60 fish, with Jay probably catching the majority.

Ted spent most of the evening cleaning up the latest flood debris. Even though it didn't all get burned up, at least it's all piled up in and around the fire pit. I'm sure that next week we'll take care of whatever didn't burn already. One of the benefits of flooding is all the wood left behind to burn, and this week was no exception.

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