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National River Day

The purpose of this blog is for posting comments, photos, etc. concerning the weekly celebration of National River Day (or Monday night bag-out). Comments are welcome!

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Better late then never! It's a late post and there are no pic's, but on a good note we did get together on Monday for the River day Celebration. We ( Tim. Ted, Pat, Jay ) spent a good amount of time working and helping me ( J ) on my Power King Tractor! We made lot's of progress and enjoyed a few cold ones along with some great conversations. I'm not sure what it is but the conversations and laughter that goes on during a river day is so great but I have such a hard time remembering what it was all about the next day? As time got later we did have a complete river day, with Mark showing up for a quick visit. Thanks Mark! Sometimes it's hard for all of us to be together but any time spent together is better then nothing! Looking forward to catching up with all fellow Rivertarians this Friday... " O " that's tomorrow.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Friday Get Together 04/24/2020

Sorry, no pics this go-round, but wanted to make a short post anyway.

Jay, Ted and I were able to get together at Jay's Friday afternoon for some much needed stress relief.  Can't think of a better way to do that than spend a few hours laughing my rear end off while either telling, or listening to each other's stories.

Anyone that's been around us very long will understand, but telling a story among fellow Rivertarians is never a straight line from point A to point B.  There are lots of twists and turns along the way.  Sometimes even steep drop offs.  And if you can manage to get back on track after all the obstacles you've done really well.

I'm not sure that anyone actually remembers any of the stories when we're done, but we have a great time trying.

Now, where was I?

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

It was a Great Monday to be together with fellow rivertarians Tim,Ted,Pat,& Jay ! The weather was very nice and we didn't have the best fire on the river this week but it was the best in the neighborhood. It's always great to hang out with friends. Thanks Guys....

Monday, April 20, 2020

Rivertarian Painting Party 04/18/2020

So the majority of Rivertarians got together for a painting party this weekend.  Actually this was the second weekend in a row.  As a result of the efforts of my brothers, the painting at my new house is finished (got the last room done Sunday).

A big thanks is due to Jay and Ted for giving up two Saturdays in a row to paint.  They've saved who knows how many days of work if Trish and I had to do it all.  And no, I didn't paint while they were - I demo'd a bathroom (floor) that had, as Trish said, "man piss" on it instead.   The only painting I had to do was the last room on the second floor.

Sorry I didn't take any pics while the guys were painting, but here a few of the "after".

Regardless if we're getting together for play or work, it's always a great time when whenever we get together.


Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Wow!!! All rivertarians made it this Monday. What a great time we all had ( Tim,Ted,Mark,Jay) Lot's of laughing which was very much needed, but what's important is that we where all together!

I don't think he appreciates out stories.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Friday 04/03/2020

Jay, Ted and I got together for a small "prayer meeting" this week.  As usual, this is always a great day/way to wind down for the weekend.

We had a little company for the discussions this week: Trish, Lori (she makes the occasional appearance anyway, since she lives there and all), and Hayden.

After a day of work, and then doing a little work in the new house, I can't think of a better way to end the day than to spend it with the people you're closest to.

It was only when Jay broke out his parrot that things got a little uncomfortable....

I for one was very grateful when he put it away.  This was a family event after all.