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National River Day

The purpose of this blog is for posting comments, photos, etc. concerning the weekly celebration of National River Day (or Monday night bag-out). Comments are welcome!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

River Day 03/28/2016

Spring has sprung!
Only three of us again this week, but this time it was Pat, Kevin, and I.  And we had beautiful spring weather again - windy with temps in the low 50's, and clear, blue skies.

We had a nice fire going (shock) and had plenty to burn laying around.  Once the wind finally settled down, we didn't have to keep running from the smoke.  Most of the afternoon was spent right around the fire discussing the current state of affairs in this country, how to win a war, the sorry election cycle we're in, and the Constitution, presidents of any worth whatsoever, and lousy employers.  It was much more interesting than it sounds, especially in the areas where we didn't quite see eye to eye. 

The solution to all of these woes, according to Kevin anyway, is FTW!  The exact explanation for the initials will have to come directly from him.  He just adds a certain emphasis to the whole phrase.

Freddy came down for a while and participated in the discussion some, but he got a little nervous about the way Kevin tended to point with a long stick while making his arguments.  Pat and I were okay with the stick, as long as we could still see both of his hands.

I got out my fishing gear, and the river looked perfect for it, but I never made it down to the water.  I'm sure it would have been my first catch of the season.  Oh well.

Hate that everyone couldn't make it down this week and look forward to catching up next time.

Happy River Day!

Friday, March 25, 2016

River Day 03/21/2016

Only three of us made it down this week for a sunny, but cool River Day - Ted, Jay and I.  Temps were only in the mid 40s and the wind was kicking up pretty good.  Jackets and something on your head made it a bit more comfortable. Along with the best fire on the river, of course.

We're starting to see a little green on the trees and brush, but not as much as I thought there would be.  You can still tell that spring weather is right around the corner.

Jay and I tried a little fishing, but neither of us had any luck.  Doesn't matter, we were fishing! 

The Fredster came down for a short visit; I think he missed us last week.  If he had any good stories this week, I can't remember any of them. 

Not much else happening, just a quiet, laid back River Day.  I look forward to every one of them.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

River Day 03/07/2016

We had a couple of "firsts" this week at the river: first day it was warm enough to not wear a jacket, and the first time we were able to try some fishing (for me anyway).  Ted, Tim, Jay, Pat and I all made it down this week to enjoy a spring-like River Day.  Temps were in the upper 60s, with clear skies.

There's still a lot of stuff laying around to be burned from the higher water levels over the last few weeks, so finding wood wasn't a problem.  I'm pretty sure we didn't make much of a dent in the debris piles.  Eventually we'll get to getting the small stuff gathered up and burned; all of that is still pretty wet.

Jay was kind enough to bring down some gear for cooking, along with brats for dinner.  I don't believe food ever tastes better than when it's cooked over the fire.  Thanks for a nice dinner, Jay!

Jay and Ted also stopped by the store at the top of the mountain and brought down some night crawlers for fishing.  The water looked good, but we're still a few weeks early for the fish to really start biting.  You never know at this time of year; might get lucky and drop a worm right in front of one. 

We had our weekly visit from Freddy, but he didn't hang around too long this week.  Leo's camper door was open (for airing out?), but we didn't see him moving around anywhere.

Ted helped out again with a few of the pictures this week. Much appreciated!

Happy River Day!