The four regular Rivertarians (could this be an oxymoron?) all made it to the river this week; Ted, Jay, Tim and I (Mark). The weather Monday started out rainy, but it tapered off throughout the day. By the time we got to the camp, the precipitation was more of a fine mist, and the fog had settled in pretty good up and down the gorge. We actually had a few patches of blue sky by the time we left.
To get into the spirit of the season, we broke out the XM radio and listened to a little traditional Christmas music. If you can't have the 40's channel, it's the next best thing.
Freddy came down for his weekly visit. While he was there, we had a "celebrity" visitor: Uncle Si. Okay, it might not have really been Uncle Si, but I'm pretty sure he might be related. He had been out hunting in the afternoon and stopped by to show Freddy his deer (big dog?). Apparently it took 5 shots from a muzzle-loader to bring the beast down.
The water was up fairly high, but not anywhere near flood stage. Heavy rain over the weekend had all the streams flowing, and the river was slowly rising.
Of course we had a good fire going, and there was plenty of wood to keep it fed; stuff we had been accumulating, and a few new additions also.
It's hard to believe, but there are only three more National River Days left for 2013. We plan to make the most of each of them.
It was a great afternoon,and It was nice that the four of us made it down.I'm looking forward to Dec 22nd.Thanks for the post Mark.