There had been a lot of precipitation over the last week, so what firewood we've collected was pretty wet. It was a little slow getting started, but thanks to some accelerators, it was soon a thing of beauty. Tell me you can't feel the heat coming off that photo?
The rains had also caused the river to rise; the water had reached a point about 25 feet or so below the fire area.. The high water prevented us from going down river to collect wood. So instead of foraging, we just pulled wood out of the eddy in front of the camp. Except for what we used to get the fire going, ALL of the wood we burned came directly out of the water and onto the fire (best fire from the river?). The fire was so hot that Jay noticed that the birds were coming back to the area.
I can't think of a better way to start the week, and end the year, than to be with great friends at the river. So to all of our readers and fellow Rivertarians out there (whether accidentally or on purpose), we wish everyone a Happy New Year!
See you in 2014!