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National River Day

The purpose of this blog is for posting comments, photos, etc. concerning the weekly celebration of National River Day (or Monday night bag-out). Comments are welcome!

Friday, November 20, 2020

Prayer Meeting 11/20/2020

 Ok, I thinks it's safe to say that we had the best fire on the street/in the yard/in the neighborhood this evening.  Temps were a little chilly despite the sunshine and blue skies, so we moved from the front to the backyard this evening at Jay's.

Ted, Tim, Jay and I got together for a nice little after work meeting.  Well, maybe I had to do a little work while there, but it wasn't too bad.

Everyone there planned on watching the space station this evening at 6:16, but I for one missed it.  Not sure who all actually got to see it (except for Tim).  

I also had this great idea that I was going to climb the extension ladder that is forever tangled in vines in Jay's yard, but after I hit the third rung, it became apparent that that was a stupid idea.

Pretty sure I was supposed to remember something else to add to this post, but...   Hope someone else remembers and adds to this.

Gotta love our get-togethers.

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