The regular gang all made it down this week for River Day (Tim, Jay, Ted and I), along with a one-time regular (Pat), and a guest appearance by Paul. Maybe the group is going to grow a little this year.
We had a nice evening on the river, despite the overcast skies and temps in the mid 40's. Tim and Jay did a little fishing early on, but nothing's biting yet (at least not at our regular spot). No golf practice this week, but we did gather a bit more fire wood. Jay brought down his chainsaw and got a good start on the last of the fallen trees at the camp from the wind-storm last summer. Hope we didn't jinx ourselves by stacking wood; usually when that happens, the river decides to come on up and snatch the wood pile. The New giveth, and the New taketh away (no sacrilege intended).
We did have one other visitor at the river. Actually he's been visiting all winter - a bat. Every week we've been seeing a single bat flying around the camp and over the river. Sometimes we've found him clinging to a tree, or the back of the house. Not sure what he's eating, or why he isn't hibernating (maybe it's the fire?). Never more than one. He must have missed the memo. Anyway I tried taking a couple of pics of him; you can just make him out in the photo posted (left side).
Although it was off to a slow start, I think we can say with all confidence that we once again had the best fire on the river.
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