Everyone made it down this week for River Day: Jay, Ted, Tim, Pat and I. We even had a local visitor for a while (Freddy). The weather couldn't have been any nicer considering the time of year: clear skies and temp around 60.
I brought down a little project this week (sorry, no food): a low power ham radio and a home-made portable antenna that needed some modifications. Everyone helped out a little and we had the antenna assembled and up first. After that we ran the coax cable to the radio in the building and soon had it on the air (mostly listening). The radio acted a little goofy at first, but it may have been because it hadn't been powered up for a couple of years. Anyway, once everything smoothed out, I actually made a contact with a guy in Naples, Maine. Not bad for 10 watts of power from a river gorge. Turns out I had
Jay tried his hand at fishing for a while. He started from the eddy pool in front of the camp and worked down river for a bit. He may have had a couple of bites, but nothing was landed. With the weather being what it's been lately, fishing season may be here before you know it.
Pat brought down some scrap wood for the fire (best on the river of course) and as an added bonus, brought down his Christmas tree from this winter for "disposal". Everyone should witness one of these little infernos at least once to appreciate the carnage.
We had a great evening on the river and I think we're well on our way to spring.