Despite an early rain-out, Tim and I (Mark) got the chance to celebrate holiday this week. The sky was overcast most of the day, with some rain early. Temps were in the low 60's. It seemed like the rain was finished for the day, so I got the chance to try some late season fishing. I picked up some night-crawlers at the packette at the top of the hill. The kid working the counter said "everyone else is out hunting, and you're fishing." I figured with everyone else hunting, there would be less pressure on the fish. Good theory, and no, I didn't catch anything.
Tending the fire was about the only other activity around the camp this week. We had a decent one going in spite of everything being wet. Probably the best one on the river. It was relaxing sitting in front of it, and I'm sure that if Tim hadn't pulled up when he did, I would have been well on my way to a little siesta.
We did hook up the XM radio, but couldn't/didn't bring ourselves to playing the Christmas channel(s) just yet (yes, they are already being aired). I'm sure that'll change as we get a little closer to the (other) holiday and the weather starts getting colder. I don't know about the others, but I'm looking forward to the snow.
The following pictures show the mist/fog coming off the river as the rain started coming in. Hope the photos do it justice.
Happy Thanksgiving to Rivertarians everywhere!
Thanks Mark,I hope you all have a nice Thanksgiving.