Every one was able to make it down this week for the last River Day celebration before Christmas, 2011: Ted, Jay, Tim and I (Mark). We had a nice evening with temps in the low 50's and overcast skies. We also enjoyed our annual gift exchange, along with traditional Christmas music on the XM radio.
No fishing this week, nor any projects. The majority of the evening was spent either picking up the occasional piece of firewood, or just tending the fire. Because of the recent high water level at the river, there's plenty to burn right now. What didn't get thrown on the fire was added to the wood pile. Jay brought some scrap lumber, as well as the longest pallet I've ever seen. All of these contributed to what was probably the best fire on the river.
We would like to wish a Merry Christmas to Rivertarians everywhere (and anyone else who happens to read this blog)!