Another annual fall camping has successfully come and gone. This year's trip was back at Sherwood Lake in Greenbrier County, WV. We were once again at the camping loop on the lake shore. It's been 6 years since we've camped at the lake, and it felt a little like coming home.
We had a good sized group of campers for the duration: Jay, Tim, Ted, Pat, Damon, Timmy, Todd and myself (Mark). Scott also came up for one night, but couldn't spend the whole time like the rest of us did. We had 4 campers taking up 3 sites, a little bit of food, a couple of cold beverages, and some firewood to make what I'm sure was the best fire in the National Forest.
The weather was better than good: temps in the day time ranging from 55 to 70. Nights got down to the 40s and 30s. There was only one day of rain, and that wasn't enough to discourage us from enjoying this end of season extravaganza.
I won't bore everyone with the details of our time there, but I am posting a good number of photos. I hope they capture the spirit of the week. Thanks to Ted for contributing some pics also!
Needless to say, we all missed David again, and I kept expecting to see him every time I turned around. It was a very nostalgic time for me, as I'm sure it was for some of the other "old timers" in the group that got to enjoy this time with him in the past.
Enjoy the pictures!
(scroll all the way down for a surprise video!)